English summary


About Pulsation: Pulsation is a Body oriented Psychotherapy developed by Aneesha Dillon. It is based on Wilhelm Reichs teories of Muscular armouring, Bioenergetic exercises (Alexander Lowen) and Active meditations (Osho). This work help us develop increased abilities to take responsibility for our own health, but it also make us more joyful, playful, flexible, and much more...

The Pulsation workshop program is based on W. Reichs body segment divisions, "head down". The workshops are held weekends( Friday afternoon to Sunday early afternoon. The first workshop weekend is extensive work with the eye segment, thereafter follows mounth/throat, chest, diaphragm, belly, pelvic/leg and a week with integration of all the segments. For further information regarding shedule details contact us (see "kontakt oss & påmelding").


About us: Pulsation therapy in Norway by Dr.phil Tobias Nygren (also Reiki master) and M.D Hanne Skei Andersen (spesialization in Psychiatry, B.S Nutrition Research).



Workshop dates:





Pulsation 2: May 8-11th, Haugtun, Dokka, Norway.

Price: 600 Euro

Booking: E-mail (with name, adress and phone number) to Tobias or Hanne, and a non refundable deposit of 100 Euro either to Tobias or Hanne. For details, see "kontakt &påmelding" Full amont of 600 Euro due bofore April 20th.


Pulsation 1: Oct.9-11th 2015. The workshop will take place at Bastøy lighthouse, Bastøy island in the Oslofjord, Norway. Contact us for further information.

Price 350 Euro.

Booking: E-mail (with name, adress and phone number) to Tobis or Hanne and a non refundable deposit of 100 Euro either to Tobias or Hanne. For details, see "kontakt oss & påmelding".


Pulsation total: Oct. 9-15th, 2015. More info later..






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